Dark spots from ingrown hairs?
Have you ever noticed an ingrown hair develop somewhere on your body, perhaps on your legs from shaving, or on your bikini line, or even under your arm, then next thing you know there is this huge ...

Did you know that those incredibly, hot, steamy, relaxing showers that so many of us love can in fact totally throw your skin into disarray? While the relaxation park of these hot showers can be s...

Stop Breakage & Improve Strength
Did you know my Anti-Aging Complex is SOOOOO much more than just a drink for your skin? This epic beauty elixir is actually incredible for your hair too! It’s meticulously crafted formula include...

Heal, soothe, protect: Zinc does it all
Remember back in the day when everyone used to apply that thick stripe of Zinc over their nose when they went to the beach? It is an iconic surfer look from the 80’s. But did you know that the same...

您是否曾听过有人谈论开发“孕妇面膜”,并想知道他们到底在谈论什么? “妊娠面膜”其实是 黄褐斑消失。 这是一种相当常见的皮肤病,特征是面部出现深色、变色的斑块,通常出现在脸颊、前额、鼻子、上唇,有时也出现在下巴。妊娠期尤其常见,因此又被称为妊娠面膜。 让我们来聊聊这究竟是什么原因造成的? 黄褐斑是由妊娠期间荷尔蒙变化引发的黑色素(决定肤色的色素)过量产生引起的。具体来说,雌激素和孕激素水平...

我不得不问这个问题…… 您是否曾将普通牛奶换成燕麦奶,希望能够减少腹胀或消化不良,但却发现腹胀仍然会存在(有时甚至更严重),而且现在皮肤问题也开始增多?我见过很多朋友都遇到这种情况。 我必须告诉你这个残酷的事实…… 您可能很喜欢的燕麦奶的味道很可能是罪魁祸首! 拜托,拜托,拜托,别喝燕麦奶了。这种东西简直就是垃圾,比喝普通的全脂牛奶危害更大。 这就是为什么你应该戒掉燕麦奶的原因……...

如果你曾经购买过美容和护肤产品,那么你可能听说过肽。它们一直被吹捧为皮肤产品中的有益成分。但很少有人真正解释过它们。它们 声音 很好,但是 什么 它们到底是什么? 如何 它们真的对你的皮肤有帮助吗? 我在这里为你分解 🩷 肽是氨基酸的短链,是蛋白质的组成部分。在护肤品中,肽作为信号分子发挥着重要作用,有助于触发皮肤细胞发挥特定功能。这些功能包括产生胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白和其他蛋白质,使皮肤保...