Can't Swallow Capsules?

Can't Swallow Capsules?

Hello my lovely!

So I am aware that for some of us, swallowing pills or capsules is a bit tricky. 

The thing is, we need our capsules to be the size they are (size 00 capsules) in order to fit our in depth formulas in there so we can deliver you the most effective products possible. 

So what do you do if you personally cannot swallow the capsules?? 

I have a solution for you! You can in fact open your capsule and put it into a smoothie or yoghurt. I always suggest something with flavour and texture over just plain water as there are upwards of 15 natural herbs, vitamins & botanicals in the capsules and this helps for you to not notice anything texture or flavour wise.

Here is a little video to further break this down for you 👉 Can't swallow capsules? 

I have complied a list of some tasty and refreshing recipe ideas below. You click the name to check out the recipe video ✨

4 Fun Ideas

Summer Skin Refresher

Clear Skin Green Smoothie

Pine Mango Icy Poles

Tropical Berry High Protein Smoothie 

Pineapple Refresher Green Smoothie 

Blemish Blasting Mocktail

Immunity Booster Smoothie

Cucumber Basil Refresher

Mango Matcha 

Tropical Berry Blast Smoothie


Talk soon,

K xx


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