I have seen a few questions lately about fungal acne, so let’s delve into this lesser known and funky sounding acne. First of all, what is fungal acne? Fungal acne, (aka Malassezia folliculitis...

Let me give you the truth about gummies… Ok I know gummies are cute, they’re yummy & they don’t involve having to swallow anything. Yes sure, they are fab if you struggle with swallowing capsul...

Dark spots from ingrown hairs?
Have you ever noticed an ingrown hair develop somewhere on your body, perhaps on your legs from shaving, or on your bikini line, or even under your arm, then next thing you know there is this huge ...

Did you know that those incredibly, hot, steamy, relaxing showers that so many of us love can in fact totally throw your skin into disarray? While the relaxation park of these hot showers can be s...

Stop Breakage & Improve Strength
Did you know my Anti-Aging Complex is SOOOOO much more than just a drink for your skin? This epic beauty elixir is actually incredible for your hair too! It’s meticulously crafted formula include...

Heal, soothe, protect: Zinc does it all
Remember back in the day when everyone used to apply that thick stripe of Zinc over their nose when they went to the beach? It is an iconic surfer look from the 80’s. But did you know that the same...

「妊娠マスク」の開発について誰かが話しているのを聞いたことがあり、一体何のことを言っているのか疑問に思ったことはありませんか? 「妊娠マスク」は実際には 肝斑は消え去ります。 これは、顔に黒ずんだ変色した斑点が現れる、かなり一般的な皮膚疾患で、頬、額、鼻、上唇、時には顎にも現れます。妊娠中に非常によく見られるため、妊娠性マスクと呼ばれることもあります。 実際に何が原因なのか、お話ししましょ...