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Humidity & its effect on the skin

Humidity & its effect on the skin

Have you found that as it’s heating up that your skin has ramped up the oil factor & that your skin is suddenly breaking out? Do you find that every time you take a Sumer vacation that you skin...

Is oily skin the cause of your breakouts?

Is oily skin the cause of your breakouts?

Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much sebum. Sebum is the waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy. Howe...

Are hormonal breakouts cramping your style?

Are hormonal breakouts cramping your style?

If you’re anything like I was, the week before my period was not just a hot mess of emotions, but some VERY unwanted visitors would also decide to pop up on my face! Just before your period starts,...

The effect travel has on your skin

The effect travel has on your skin

If you’re anything like me, your skin will decide to breakout like crazy, or become dry & flakey out of the blue every time you decide to take a holiday! It’s possibly the one of the most frust...


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Niacin & it’s affect on the skin

Niacin & it’s affect on the skin

Okay, so you may have heard of Niacinamide & seen the various different serums & lotions containing it that you can put on your face, but did you know that Niacin as an oral supplement can ...

Did you know your gut & skin health are connected?

Did you know your gut & skin health are connected?

Did you know that if your gut health is off that it can have a big impact on not just your overall health, but it also has an impact on the appearance of your skin.    Your gut microbiome is made u...

Has the change in weather been wreaking havoc on your skin?

Has the change in weather been wreaking havoc on your skin?

When the weather goes through its seasonal changes, getting hotter & more humid or cooling down & getting dryer, it can really wreak havoc on your skin, believe me, I have been there.    A...