No more chicken skin!

No more chicken skin!

Keratosis pilaris is a pretty common skin condition where we can get small, rough bumps form on the skin. It is most often on the arms, thighs, or but. It is due to a buildup of keratin that blocks hair follicles. It’s harmless but can cause dry, bumpy skin.

The annoying thing about this is the fact that being on our body, it is hard to take full advantage of any topical products that will treat it as soon as we put clothes on or sit or lay on something, that item absorbs the topical product we applied. Add to that, it is normally on large areas of our body, so you can really go through a lot of product.

Did you know though, that you can use vitamins to address this from within?

Using supplements that include Red Clover, Vitamin A, Zinc, Vitamin B5, and White Willow Bark is an amazing way to help manage keratosis pilaris (KP). Here’s how;

Red Clover

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Red Clover helps soothe the skin and reduce inflammation associated with KP.

White Willow Bark

This contains salicin, which is similar to salicylic acid, known for its exfoliating properties. It helps in the reduction of keratin plugs and improves skin texture.

Vitamin A

Promotes cell turnover, which can help prevent the buildup of keratin that causes KP. Adequate levels of Vitamin A are crucial for optimal skin health.


This mineral is essential for skin repair and inflammation control. Zinc can help reduce the symptoms of KP by supporting overall skin health and healing.

Vitamin B5

This helps maintain skin hydration and can aid in the repair of skin tissues. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit those with KP.

Now if you are looking for a one stop product that has all of these, look no further than my Acne Cleanse capsules. They contain all of these fantastic compounds and make for a simple & convenient option to really help banish bumps & reveal smooth, clear skin!


Talk soon,


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