Acne sucks!

Acne sucks!

Acne sucks, seriously I know! I have been there. It can really put such a dampener on your confidence when you wake up each day with a new spot on your face. It can even get to the stage where no amount of concealer or foundation will truly hide it. This is very much the case for cystic acne as the lumps can become so large and painful. 


So how on earth do we get rid of this uber annoying skin condition without resorting to harsh medications that can cause a whole host of side effects and sometimes they don’t even fix your skin?!


First up, let’s figure out what kind of acne you have.


There are a few main types of acne that are most common, they are;


Hormonal Acne

What causes this? 

Fluctuations in hormones, often associated with puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


How do I identify it? 

Typically appears around the jawline, chin, and lower face. Often includes deep, painful cysts and nodules.


Cystic Acne

What causes this? 

This is a severe form of acne caused by inflammation and infection deep within the skin.


How do I identify it?

Large, red, and painful cysts that can lead to scarring. 


Teen Acne

What causes this? 

Hormonal changes during puberty.


How do I identify it?

Commonly affects the face, neck, chest, and back. Includes a mix of whiteheads, blackheads, papules, and pustules.


Adult Acne

What causes this? 

It can be due to hormonal fluctuations, stress, or other factors.


How do I identify it?

Often appears on the lower face and jawline. It can include a mix of whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed lesions.


Body Acne

What causes this? 

Similar to facial acne, but can be exacerbated by sweat, tight clothing, and friction. Additionally, not changing sheets often enough or a lot of working out and staying in damp sweaty clothing for hours can cause it. 


How do I identify it?

Appears on the chest, back, shoulders, and sometimes buttocks. Includes a mix of whiteheads, blackheads, papules, and pustules.


Acne Mechanica

What causes this? 

Friction, heat, and pressure on the skin, often from sports equipment, tight clothing, or backpacks.


How do I identify it?

Small, inflamed bumps and pustules, typically in areas subjected to friction and sweat.


Fungal Acne (Pityrosporum Folliculitis)

What causes this? 

Overgrowth of yeast within hair follicles.


How do I identify it?

Small, itchy, uniform bumps, often on the chest, back, and shoulders. 


Now the next step in treating your acne is finding the right ingredients & routine to support and clear your skin. 


Let us start by addressing the acne from within…


Acne Cleanse Capsules

 These capsules help clear and prevent acne by reducing inflammation, killing acne causing bacteria on the skin, balancing oil production, and promoting skin healing and repair. They have a unique and in depth blend of natural ingredients, most notably, White Willow Bark Extract, Dandelion Root, Vitamin B5, Zinc, and Fish Oil Powder.


Hyperpigmentation Cleanse Capsules

These capsules target hyperpigmentation and dark spots, helping to even out skin tone and brighten the complexion. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne scars. The main ingredients that help with acne & scars are Vitamin C, Licorice Root, Polypodium Leucotomos Leaf Extract, Maca Root Powder, and Vitamin B3.


Anti-Aging Complex Powder

The Anti-Aging Complex Powder in the Perfect Skin Kit benefits acne by promoting a healthy gut microbiome and enhancing the skin barrier. This dual action helps reduce inflammation and supports overall skin health, making it effective in preventing and managing acne. Its ingredients of note are Lustriva, Vitamin C, Amla Fruit, Biotin, Hyaluronic Acid, and Collagen.


So how exactly does the Perfect Skin Kit Help Different Types of Acne?


Hormonal Acne

The Perfect Skin Kit targets hormonal acne with Lustriva and Vitamin B3 to balance hormones and reduce inflammation. Probiotics improve gut health, regulating hormones and reducing jawline breakouts.


Cystic Acne

For cystic acne, Zinc and Fish Oil Powder reduce swelling and pain, while White Willow Bark Extract unclogs pores and soothes inflammation, promoting faster healing.


Teen Acne

Teen acne is managed with Vitamin B5 and White Willow Bark Extract to regulate oil and speed up healing. Vitamin C reduces redness and improves overall skin tone, tackling whiteheads and blackheads.


Adult Acne

Adult acne is managed with Vitamin B3 and Zinc to reduce breakouts and inflammation, while Vitamin C addresses hyperpigmentation and scars. Probiotics improve gut health, supporting overall skin health.


Body Acne

Dandelion Root and Zinc clear clogged pores and reduce inflammation on the back and chest. Fish Oil Powder regulates acne-causing hormones for smoother skin.


Acne Mechanica

Acne mechanica benefits from the anti-inflammatory properties of the Acne Cleanse Capsules and Vitamin B3, which soothe irritated skin and prevent clogged pores.


Fungal Acne

Vitamin B3 and White Willow Bark Extract have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and remove impurities that contribute to fungal growth.


Now onto the topical side of things…


The Blemish Blaster Kit has been formulated with all types of acne in mind. This is how it works;


Dark Spot Clearing Serum

It brightens skin, evens skin tone, reduces dark spots, and provides antioxidant protection. It does this with its blend of organic plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, C, and A, ferulic acid.


Acne Clear Cream

Now this lightweight, non-comedogenic formula balances oil production, reduces inflammation, speeds up skin cell turnover, and unclogs pores. Its key acne fighting ingredients are niacinamide (Vitamin B3), salicylic acid, white tea extract & echinacea extract. 


Brightening Clay Mask

This mask is wonderful for diminishing congestion as it cleanses, detoxifies the skin, reduces dullness, and also enhances your natural glow. It is formulated with a blend of natural clays, antioxidants, and botanical extracts.


So how do they help each of the different types of acne?


Hormonal Acne

The Acne Clear Cream, with niacinamide and salicylic acid, helps balance oil production and reduce inflammation, which are common issues in hormonal acne.


Cystic Acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of the Acne Clear Cream and the detoxifying effects of the Brightening Clay Mask can help reduce cyst size and discomfort.


Teen Acne

The combination of the Dark Spot Clearing Serum and the Acne Clear Cream can address active breakouts and prevent future ones while reducing post-acne marks.


Body Acne

The mask and cream can be applied to areas prone to breakouts like the chest and back to help clear and prevent acne.


Adult Acne

Adult acne, influenced by stress and hormones, is effectively managed with the Blemish Blaster Kit. The Acne Clear Cream, containing niacinamide, balances oil production and reduces inflammation. The Dark Spot Clearing Serum with Vitamin C treats hyperpigmentation and scars, while the Brightening Clay Mask with natural clays detoxifies and rejuvenates the skin.


Acne Mechanica

For acne mechanica caused by friction and sweat, the Blemish Blaster Kit’s Acne Clear Cream, featuring niacinamide, soothes inflamed skin and prevents clogged pores. The Brightening Clay Mask, with natural clays and botanical extracts, ensures thorough cleansing and keeps pores clear.


Fungal Acne

Fungal acne can be addressed with the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the Acne Clear Cream. The Brightening Clay Mask helps by detoxifying the skin and removing impurities that contribute to fungal growth


Combining the Blemish Blaster Kit with the Perfect Skin Kit offers a comprehensive approach to tackling acne from both external and internal angles. The Blemish Blaster Kit targets active breakouts and skin imperfections with potent topical treatments, while the Perfect Skin Kit enhances skin health from within using a blend of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. This dual strategy not only addresses the immediate symptoms of acne but also promotes long-term skin clarity and resilience, making it an effective solution for anyone struggling with acne.


Talk soon, 

K xx 

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